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Our strategy is based on our belief that Energy Security is tied to our National Security. Hence, we must reduce all of our foreign oil dependence. We also believe that prolonging fossil fuels by introducing new energy-efficient technologies and coupling them with DECARB Energy Carriers in the energy equation will reduce CO2 emissions, an element necessary in the overall effort to first stabilize and then sequentially reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, globally. Our business model concentrates on:

  • Development of BIOFUELS technologies from readily available carbonaceous materials. Fuels of interest includes: Methanol, Ethanol, Butanol, and collectively Mixed alcohols.

  • Generating hydrocarbon-based clean fuels (essentially sulfur-free) from available Heavy Hydrocarbons which are an abundant global source that is underdeveloped. This will require advanced technologies to make it worthy of use in power generation and transportation sectors. Fossil fuels are a concentrated form of energy and if used properly can minimize CO2 emissions.

G-NOL, Inc. brings a unique approach to Biofuels: manipulating material and processing conditions to maximize carbon transfer from the renewable carbonaceous starting materials into biofuel products. Our methodology is based on our previous experience in developing highly efficient gas to liquids (GTL) processes to monetize remote natural gas. We are following our original concept of Atom Economy as a way to develop processes that make commercial sense.

G-NOL, Inc. believes that prolonging fossil fuels with carbon management, coupled with introduction of next-generation renewable commercial technologies for farm waste and other biomass sources can reduce our oil dependence and create non-petroleum economy in the United States. Our portfolio is consistent with our mission.

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